Vincenzo Mazza helped raise the profile of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Italy.
13 July 2023
He mentored professionals and garnered support for Adventist students at public schools.
05 July 2023
João Wolff led the Adventist Church in that region from 1980 to 1995.
16 June 2023
He was an experienced church administrator who specialized in conflict management.
01 June 2023
He was a missionary and theologian who authored more than 40 books and 1,000 articles.
11 March 2023
Otis was the first women’s ministries director of the General Conference of the Adventist Church.
25 January 2023
Daniel Honoré was a leader focused on education and evangelism, leaders said.
24 January 2023
This book fills a significant void and offers readers a good entry point to better understand the profound connections of the texts of the Bible to their surrounding cultures.
27 December 2022