First Ever Open-Heart Surgery in Malawi Offers Hope for Millions of Cardiac Patients
Groundbreaking feat was part of the new Hearts for Mission International ministry.
05 December 2023
The Life and Legacy of Lucy Byard Honored at Recognition Event
Adventist HealthCare leaders unveil new scholarships and a portrait.
18 December 2021
Leaders Introduce, Pray for New Breath of Life Speaker/Director
Debleaire Snell will also serve as senior pastor of the Oakwood University Church.
15 December 2021
Art Teacher at Adventist School Selected to Exhibit Her Work at the Louvre
Raquel Falk is preparing to show some of her watercolor paintings in Paris in 2022.
09 December 2021
Kiribati Church Region Makes Historic Appointment of First Female Secretary
It is a great achievement that will boost the work, regional church president said.
04 December 2021
In Australia, Adventist Artist Excels in Creating Images for Bible Studies
“My art is a modern take on traditional Bible imagery,” Phil McKay says.
31 October 2021
Living Without an Intercessor
“Our salvation is not our own doing but the result of the sacrifice of Christ.”
28 May 2021
The Psychology of Vaccine Hesitancy
Can the church help? Some tips on how to converse with those who speak against COVID-19 vaccination.
24 April 2021