I believe there are compelling reasons for Christians to recognize Black history.
18 February 2023
Initiative by Maranatha donors is making an impact for people in a desperate situation.
17 February 2023
Health-care organization initiatives are making a difference in countless lives.
17 February 2023
At Georgia-Cumberland Academy, they are giving teens a voice, helping to reach others.
17 February 2023
Four Seventh-day Adventist academies in the Columbia Union were represented at the event.
16 February 2023
Pacific Islands church-school workers discuss how to nurture Christ-centered institutions.
16 February 2023
Local Adventist ministry in Nairobi, Kenya, is changing lives of those who most need it.
16 February 2023
Sarah Collins Rudolph gave testimony to Pacific Union College community on MLK Day.
15 February 2023
Created by Steve Creitz, the image points to the New Creation all of us are longing for.
15 February 2023