‘The end of British Christianity’ challenges the church to act
31 January 2019
How a new podcast is helping young people tackle biblical issues one conversation at a time
30 January 2019
Montemorelos group provided assistance, Bible studies in the local language, and church repairs.
30 January 2019
Adventist Health Policy Association just opened an office in Washington, D.C.
30 January 2019
Maranatha volunteers help rebuild a Florida church affected by a hurricane.
29 January 2019
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ministries event marked by testimonies and thanksgiving for recent growth.
29 January 2019
Efforts in one rural area have resulted in community improvements and many baptisms.
28 January 2019
The love you cannot earn is also the love you cannot lose.
26 January 2019
Theme “Stronger United: Many Voices, One Vision” Permeates Training and Networking Event
26 January 2019
Adventist leaders believe the initiative will negatively affect religious freedom.
26 January 2019