In Santa Tecla, El Salvador, a novel initiative reaches hundreds of residents.
21 December 2019
In the United States, a local church is using a food trailer to serve the homeless.
21 December 2019
Government officials thank the church for taking care of victims, including pets.
21 December 2019
La Sierra University team found possibly earliest mention of the name ‘Hebrews.’
20 December 2019
After acknowledging mistakes, leaders share steps they are taking to move forward.
20 December 2019
Terry Shaw joins a host of other health-care, technology, and government influencers.
18 December 2019
Church leaders acknowledge the new draft’s improvements but say more are needed.
18 December 2019
Sometimes, doubting is part of the journey toward belief.
17 December 2019
Adventist missionary magazine has a circulation of near 100,000 copies.
17 December 2019