ASI Focus

Heidi’s Health Kitchen

Good and healthful food is always on the menu.

Heidi Liv Tompkins and Ivan Joshua Raj
Heidi’s Health Kitchen

At Heidi’s Health Kitchen, founded in 2014, we offer cooking classes, health lectures, Bible studies, and Bible-based business consulting. Additionally, we provide whole foods and plant-based catering, manufacture carob products, and operate an Adventist restaurant on a “pop-up” basis. God has used Heidi’s Health Kitchen through each of these methods to reach people in New York City and around the world!


Sharing Christ in Our Marketplace

In our “pop-up” restaurant we constantly see God blessing hearts through our friendly smiles, peaceful Adventist music, GLOW tracts on each table, and the delicious plant-based food and desserts we serve. We began operating our “pop-up” restaurant in November 2016, and in both of our service locations we’ve seen warm reactions from patrons as they learn that we are Seventh-day Adventist Christians who care about each of them and their physical, mental, and spiritual health.

Much prayer goes into this ongoing endeavor. We consistently pray for our regular patrons, as well as those whom God chooses to bring into our atmosphere of light and peace during the 60 to 90 minutes they spend eating dinner at Heidi’s Health Kitchen.

Sharing Christ Overseas

Our gourmet carob products, which include CARUBIES carob truffles and our CARUBELLA carob spread, continue to provide financial support for our ongoing Bible work and ministry projects around the world. Heidi’s Health Kitchen has Bible students in eight countries, including the United States.


The fastest-growing ministry projects include a small group of Bible students and young Adventist entrepreneurs we have trained in Bangalore, India, and the Middle East. In India our Bible students meet regularly to worship, fellowship, sing, pray, and encourage one another as they work to share the love of Jesus and the truth of the three angels’ messages in their city. Through their personal witnessing and Adventist-owned businesses, they are reaching hearts with life-changing truths, where traditions and idolatry are the norm.

In the Middle East a small group of 10 to 15 men and their families often meet in secret to search the Bible for truths they cannot find elsewhere. We had the wonderful privilege of studying with and preparing three of the men to be group leaders. These men then teach others what they have learned, all done via social media using Google Translate! These three men led their groups through a full It Is Written Bible study (in Arabic and Farsi). After they finished the studies, we put them in touch with church leaders in their area who continued encouraging them in their spiritual growth.

Praise God, nine of the group have expressed interest in baptism. We are working with local Adventist leaders to prepare them for baptism safely and privately.

By God’s grace and provision, we pray that this group will continue to grow and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ in the Middle East, bringing many more to the truth in a region in which truth is desperately needed.

Heidi’s Health Kitchen was founded in 2014 by Ivan Raj and Heidi Liv Tompkins in Brooklyn, New York. Heidi’s Health Kitchen ( will have a booth at the ASI convention in Orlando.

Heidi Liv Tompkins and Ivan Joshua Raj

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