
How Can We Find Joy in Suffering?

Ted N.C. Wilson
How Can We Find Joy in Suffering?

Hello friends. I hope you have had a wonderful week recognizing the many blessings the Lord has brought to you.

As followers of Christ, we have been given the enormous privilege of reaching everyone—”every nation, tribe, tongue, and people,” according to Revelation 14:6. And while this charge may seem quite straightforward, it is sometimes easy to overlook those who may have challenges that are different from what we personally might experience–those who have challenges hearing or seeing, those who are emotionally or mentally challenged, the orphans and other vulnerable children, the widowed, and those who care for people who are facing these various challenges. How can we reach these dear ones, include them into our community of believers, and encourage them?

Adventist Possibilities Ministries, sometimes referred to as “Special Needs Ministries,” is an inclusive ministry of the church, with the motto of “All are gifted, needed, and treasured!” It follows the ministry of Jesus, as outlined in Luke 4:18:

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed; to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”

To draw attention to this very important ministry, each year a special Sabbath is designated as “Possibility Ministries Awareness Day.” And this year, Sabbath, April 24, has been set aside for this purpose. During this day, Adventist Possibilities Ministries will be providing a very timely and important webinar titled, “Finding Joy in Suffering: Grieving for a Loved One.” [insert picture of poster]

As you are aware, this past year has been exceptionally painful as so many lives have been loss due to the coronavirus. In addition, individuals and families around the world have suffered many other types of losses–the loss of a job, loss of security, and more.

While a webinar will not erase the hurt, we can learn to press together and find that which will bring us lasting hope and perhaps a unique kind of “joy.” I invite you to join this free webinar as those with special expertise and those who have suffered their own loss share how they have learned to face the future without a loved one.

For more information regarding broadcast times, and to join the webinar, I encourage you to visit:

This is one of many special services that Adventist Possibilities Ministries provides, helping everyone to know that they are not alone. Let’s listen now to their beautiful theme song, titled, “Not Alone,” provided by the Watoto Children’s Choir.

Please know that you are not alone! Let’s pray together just now. Father in heaven, thank you that you have promised you will be with us to the end of time. That beautiful promise in Matthew 28 tells us you will be with us to the end of the world and Lord help us to know in our daily walk we are not alone. Regardless of what we face, help us to lean upon you, to count on your blessings, to recite your promises, to sing praises to you and remember we are never alone when we are leaning upon you. Thank you for hearing us and bless Adventist Possibility Ministries in a dynamic way, as they touch the lives of countless people, bringing them to the one, who can bring them full joy and abundant life. Thank you for hearing us in this prayer. In Jesus’ name we ask it, amen.

Ted N.C. Wilson

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