The Art of Growing Together
How can we make our marriage better and experience greater relationship growth?
New Year, New You
How can I best maximize opportunities to give sharper focus to all facets of my life—spiritual, physical, emotional, financial, and intellectual?
Cultivating Sacred Family Traditions
Teaching your children to look beyond themselves is crucial for their spiritual and emotional development.
RISE Pastors’ Conference Draws Adventist Ministers in the US’s Southern Union
Pastors meet in Orlando to be refreshed for ministry and renew connections.
Love and Faith
Family Ministries leaders Willie and Elaine Oliver are asked how to maintain loving relationships with LGBTQ children while espousing Adventist beliefs and values.
The Sacred Space of Family Time
Modern phone interruptions parallel “money changers in the temple,” where commercial interests invaded sacred space.
First Malaysia Marriage Enrichment Conference Draws Hundreds
Attendees included pastoral and church worker couples in that church region.
Who Should I Marry?
Pithy and practical counsel from Scripture and psychology on finding a compatible spouse.
Strengthening Your Union
The Olivers answer a question about the need for counseling when facing annoyances in marriage.