Ceremonia conmemorativa honra la vida de un misionero adventista afectado por la COVID-19
Familiares y colegas recuerdan a Manuel Bellosillo como un cristiano afectuoso y consagrado.
Memorial Service Honors the Life of Adventist Missionary Stricken by COVID-19
Family and colleagues remember Manuel Bellosillo as a caring, committed Christian.
Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies Installs New President
Ginger Ketting-Weller returns to her mission roots as the eighth president of AIIAS.
Reaching the Secular Mind: The Lineage Journey
How Adventists are using history with biblical principles to reach secular audiences.
Adventist Leader in Sri Lanka Misses Bomb Blast by Minutes
Adventists appeal for prayer after deadly bombing.
Adventist Students Selected to Present at Top Endocrinology Conference
Weimar Institute students shared lifestyle research based on Adventist principles.
Beyond the ‘What’ to the ‘Why’
How a new podcast is helping young people tackle biblical issues one conversation at a time
More Than 16,000 Gather for Adventist Youth Congress in Southern Philippines
24-hour prayer feature was a highlight of the five-day event.
Adventists in Bangladesh Host First Autism Awareness Event
Special needs ministry focuses on awareness and support for families.
Adventist University Scores 100 Percent National Exam Passing Rate
School in the Philippines reaches record milestone for the seventh year in a row.