Called to Be Faithful
Everyone has a place in God’s work and is called to be faithful in proclaiming God’s last-day message.
Living by the Father’s Timing
Two of Christ’s most profound miracles—raising the dead to life—took place after a painful waiting period for those who had experienced loss.
Adventist US Senate Chaplain Barry Black Recovering After a Brain Bleed
A subdural hematoma sent him to hospital, but he is on the mend, sources say.
NAD Administrators’ Conference Unites Leaders to Shape Future of the Church
North American Division event seeks to chart a new path for the years ahead.
A Planet in Need
In our galaxy alone, there are about 100 billion stars. Beyond that, another 200 billion trillion.
Begin With Love
How can Seventh-day Adventists approach the subject of sexuality in a compassionate, biblical, and practical way?
Prophecy Odyssey Series Reaches Thousands in New York City and Beyond
Initiative led by the Amazing Facts ministry brings hundreds to Bible studies, baptism.
In Korea, Leaders Dedicate Missionaries Who Will Deploy to the Field
The country has become a powerhouse of mission support beyond its borders.
Anniversary Celebration Connects Korean Adventists across Time and Place
Leaders call for a renewed commitment to share the gospel in the country and abroad.