Japanese Adventist Opens a Fun and Safe Space for Kids in Tokyo
Each person who walks through the door is a blessing, supporters say.
Community Center in Puerto Rico ‘Unlocks Hearts’ During Lockdown
Initiative is helping people to prioritize education and family amid current uncertainties.
Donde la misión y la producción cinematográfica se encuentran
Un estudiante adventista comparte su experiencia en la creación de contenidos de video en el campo misionero.
Where Mission and Filmmaking Collide
An Adventist student shares his experience creating video content in the mission field.
La iglesia de los diez mil metros
Más de novecientas cincuenta personas participaron en la carrera de diez mil metros que organizó un grupo de jóvenes con el fin de recaudar fondos para una feria de salud.
The 10-Kilometer Church Plant
More than 950 people participated in the 10-kilometer race planned by a youth group to raise funds for a health fair.
An Adventist Pioneer in Armenia: Reaching the First Christian Nation
In a difficult territory, prayer and hard work are opening doors to the gospel.
The Six-Mile Church Plant
In Ecuador, young Adventists find a creative method to start a new congregation.