Man Copies Sabbath School Study Guide by Hand to Teach Jungle Community
Congregation leader in Peru’s Amazon traveled every week to fulfill his mission.
Adventist Volunteers Restore Historic Streets in Cusco, Peru
Initiative sought to support cultural preservation efforts, coordinators said.
Kids Evangelism Project Motivates Mother and Son to Share the Gospel
Jhosep Carrión is sharing the Bible with his friends in a Lima, Peru neighborhood.
Church in World’s Highest Town Sends Delegation to Youth Convention in Brazil
Leaders from Los Andes church traveled from the Peruvian altiplano to the event.
South American Division Holds First Women’s School of Evangelism
Event provides training, inspiration to leaders from seven Spanish-speaking countries.
‘Mom, What’s Stopping Us from Giving Our Hearts to God?’
Child cancer patient helps his family to accept Bible truth and be baptized.
One Year in Mission Volunteers Plant a Congregation near Cusco, Peru
Group of Peruvian and Brazilian missionaries exemplify the project’s impact, leaders say.
‘A Colporteur Knocked on My Door and Changed the Life of My Family’
Three generations are church members thanks to a booklet with a message of hope.
Adventist Clinic Performs Free Surgeries in the Peruvian Rainforest
Partnership with AdventHealth provides much-needed care to underserved communities.
In Peru, 10,000 Young People Prepare to Volunteer Abroad
“Beyond the Mountain” camp draws thousands to train them for service.