Church in Portugal Celebrates Faith, History, and Architecture
Lisbon Central Seventh-day Adventist Church turned 100 years in 2024.
Italy Leaders Inaugurate Center for Neurocognitive Disorders and Dementia
New services are part of Adventist nursing home connection to its community.
Adventist Leaders Commemorate 150 Years of Adventist Mission in Europe
Celebration in Switzerland remembers John N. Andrews, who arrived in 1874.
Why Old-Fashioned Adventist Radio Broadcasting Is Still Relevant in Italy
The first full-time Adventist radio station in Europe opened in Florence in 1979.
Contemporary Church Plant in Switzerland Celebrates 10 Years of Growth
Vivo Church holds services on Saturday evenings in a prime Geneva location.
Religious Freedom and Human Rights Are Focus of Conference in Romania
Adventist leaders give scientific presentations to highlight advocacy opportunities.
‘Our Mission Is to Care for Others’
In Italy, Adventist retirement home celebrates 40 years.
European Regions Vote for Greater Use of Information Technology for Mission
Inter-European Division Year-End Meetings calls for personal commitment, involvement.
Adventist Chaplains from Six European Countries Meet in Austria
Four-day training helps them learn and recommit to their ministry.
Italian Town’s Civil Protection Office Named after Adventist Pastor
The late Vincenzo Mazza is remembered for this commitment to helping others.