Because He Loves Me
The merits of Christ, in all their glory, make up for everything that is lacking in the little ways we try to love Him back.
Living by the Father’s Timing
Two of Christ’s most profound miracles—raising the dead to life—took place after a painful waiting period for those who had experienced loss.
Sabbath Rest
Could one be fully persuaded that the Bible teaches the seventh-day Sabbath, faithfully set the day apart by not working, and go to church regularly, yet still not be “keeping the Sabbath”?
The Degrees of Love
Divine love can find a conduit through the most hideous of humanity and reach a level that has no levels.
Ellen G. White and the Mandate for Adventist Mission
The fourfold methodology of the Seventh-day Adventist mission, initiated by Ellen White, played a significant role in the growth of the Adventist Church.
Better than Home
Following Jesus is the first-Source experience of embarking on a life-long journey with Christ, the one who assures us: “I am the way, the truth, and the life.”
Christmas With Abraham
God under a tree. God in a manger. Both unexpected. Both welcomed guests.