Seventh-day Adventist Family Makes History on Croatia’s Got Talent
They help bring “joy and peace” to the country’s most watched show.
Reaching the Adventist World
Merle Poirer concludes her year-long series on the past editors of the Adventist Review to its 175th anniversary.
From an Orthodox Upbringing to a Minister for Jesus
Seventh-day Adventist pastor in the Welsh Mission shares her journey of faith.
Conference Discusses Intersection of Adventist Mission and Orthodox Culture
More than 100 Adventist representatives meet in Bulgaria for a historic first.
Young Digital Pioneers Inspire at GAiN Europe 2024
Adventist Church is investing in creatives to empower innovation.
Paseggi Wins Excellence in Communication Award at GAiN Europe
Adventist Review senior news correspondent is honored for faithful reporting to the world church.
Adventist Communicators in Europe Meet with a Clear Focus on Mission
Event explores ways of increasing collaboration across church ministries, departments.
Trans-European Division Joint Report Seeks to End ‘Silo Mentality’
Department directors share how they are partnering and synergizing for mission.
Regional Rise UP 2024 Youth Congress Meets in Croatia
400 young people retreat to an idyllic setting of mountains, meadows and streams.
Still a Prophetic Voice in Europe?
Ellen G. White symposium honors the past and prepares the church for the future.