Sitting at a Long Table
We are not to fight alone. We have our spiritual family by our side and in many different parts of the world.
Hold My Hand
After we crossed a creek and took a short break, I sat on a rock, completely helpless.
No Bible for Our Bible Study
In the darkest moments, when it seemed that everything had been taken from us, I realized there was something no one could take—my faith.
The Peace That Passes All Understanding
When we submit our fears and ourselves to Him, He promises to save us and give us His peace.
Una canción constante en el corazón
Cada Sábado por la tarde, justo antes de la puesta del sol, la gente de mi pueblo sale a la ventana para entonar un himno...
Keeping a Song in My Heart
Every Sabbath afternoon, just before sunset, people in my small town stand in the entrance of their homes to sing a hymn....