The Mark of the Beast and Legalism
Why isn’t our eschatology with regard to obedience to the commandments legalism?
The Copernican Principle
As our telescopes improve, and as an infinity of new galaxies farther and farther away are stamped into our consciousness, shrinking us more and more in contrast to the cosmos—how has the Christian narrative fared?
Retraction Watch
Science is a human endeavor and, as such, can be tainted or even corrupted by… the common foibles that impact even the most honest and dedicated scientists.
He Slept With His Fathers
How the biblical belief that the dead sleep until the resurrection, and the lost are eternally destroyed, not eternally tormented in hell, tell us so much about the character of God.
Return of the Prodigal Pastor
I’m an Adventist minister who left the church 23 years ago. This is my story: Why I left, and why I’m back.
Brights and Dulls
What better explains the origins of the universe: an eternally existing God, or nothing?
Rome in Prophecy
Like it not, we can’t proclaim the three angels’ messages without warning about Rome.
Why the Idea of Materialism Refutes Itself
The idea that reality is only materialistic refutes the idea of non-materialistic consciousness. In other words, merely thinking about materialism refutes it.
The Eternal Binary
Whether its eternal binaries or eternal destinies, there’s no middle ground and a choice must be made.