Genetics and AI Help Patients with Early Detection of Breast Cancer Risk
New program provides additional data to catch cancer early, medical experts say.
Free Medical Clinic in Chicago Helps Bridge the Gap for the Underserved
Volunteers served more than 100 people, including many new immigrants.
AdventHealth CEO Terry Shaw Shares Insights in Popular Podcast
Adventist leader reflects on his life and on how to lead with curiosity.
Free Mobile Market in Texas Serves to Connect Body, Mind, and Spirit
AdventHealth is supporting hospital team efforts to fight food insecurity in Mansfield.
Identical Twins Celebrate ‘National Twin Day’ in Identical Roles
Michele Johnson and Melissa Leonard are chief nursing officers at AdventHealth.
Breakthrough Surgery Enables Patient to Eat Normally Again
She celebrates getting her life back after more than a year of intravenous nutrition.
Partnership Transforms Delivery of Services to Students
AdventHealth initiative is improving physical, mental health care across schools.
How Screen Time Affects Mental Health
What are the effects on our brains when we overdo time spent viewing device screens?
250,000 Vaccines to Protect the Community
AdventHealth reaches significant milestone in its vaccination efforts.
Hospital Personnel Shine in Service During Record-Setting Texas Storm
Texas Health Mansfield adapts to continue providing top-notch, safe care.