September 19, 2008

Focus on Prophecy

capF 6or years there's been a proliferation of apocalyptic novels, films, and other end-time stories. However, Christians should always ask, "How does such literature square with the Bible?" The following articles from our archives take a critical look at end-time events.

How Should Christians View Israel?
Will Israel play a crucial role in the fulfillment of Bible prophecy?

Here's a bird's eye view of the concepts and issues.

The Sanctuary Truth
What does it trash? What does it treasure?
Adventist pioneers were captured by the big picture that still captures us today.
Prophetic Foundations of Adventist Faith
Let's use the pillars of the past to build our future.

Notes from a Papal Observer
Observing the interplay of religious and political influences can be both fascinating and frightening.

Understanding the Book of Revelation 
Bible scholar Hans Larondelle offers three interpretive keys.
An interview with evangelist Doug Batchelor.
Will God defend the Middle East during earth's last battle?
An excerpt from the Left Behind Deception by Steve Wohlberg.

Is the Heavenly Sanctuary Really Real?

Everything you always wanted to know about the sanctuary but didn't want to ask.

End-time Delusions 
An Adventist pastor and a Christian publisher team up to answer the "Left Behind" claims.
